Embracing Adversity: ‘Terrible is Wonderful’

Embracing Adversity: ‘Terrible is Wonderful’

4 minute read

“Terrible is wonderful.” A phrase that can make you pause, yet holds profound wisdom. My teacher, Yogi Bhajan, often used paradoxes like these to awaken a deeper understanding in his students. What could be more contradictory than calling something terrible, “wonderful”? Yet, as I’ve come to learn through my own journey as a teacher and business leader, this teaching holds invaluable insight for those navigating the challenges of leadership and life.

The Gift of Adversity

In my years of practicing Kundalini Yoga in depth as taught by Yogi Bhajan, I’ve come to deeply respect and appreciate his ability to turn challenges into opportunities for growth. As conscious leaders, we’re often faced with situations that seem overwhelming, stressful, or downright “terrible.” These moments can make us question ourselves, our capabilities, and even our path. But Yogi Bhajan taught that adversity isn’t something to be avoided or feared. Instead, it’s a gift — an opportunity to test our inner strength, build resilience, and stretch beyond the limitations we’ve imposed upon ourselves.

When we shift our perspective and embrace adversity, we recognize that it offers a unique opportunity to grow. Yogi Bhajan explained that facing adversity “tests your guts.” It shows us what we are truly made of. In this way, every challenge becomes a mirror, reflecting back our strengths and weaknesses, our fears and courage.

Why I Share These Teachings with Leaders

One of the reasons I love sharing Yogi Bhajan’s teachings with leaders is because they offer practical wisdom that cuts through the noise of everyday stress and uncertainty. Leadership requires resilience, emotional intelligence, and an ability to navigate the unknown with courage. I believe Yogi Bhajan’s teachings, especially the idea that “terrible is wonderful,” can transform how leaders view challenges, empowering them to approach their roles with strength, grace, and a sense of inner clarity.

Turning Fear into Fuel

“Terrible is wonderful” is an invitation to move beyond fear. Fear often tells us that we are inadequate, that we are not ready, that failure is imminent. But what if, instead of running from fear, we met it head-on? Fear is a potent force, but only when we allow it to control us. By embracing fear — and the challenges that come with it — we transform it into fuel for growth.

Yogi Bhajan believed that fear makes us lie, makes us hide from our true potential. As leaders, we cannot afford to hide. The moment we realize that adversity is not our enemy but our teacher, we free ourselves from the mental blocks that hold us back.

Testing Your Guts: Why Leadership Requires Inner Strength

As leaders, we’re responsible for navigating not just our own challenges but also those faced by our teams, our businesses, and the communities we serve. True leadership requires an inner compass, a strength that doesn’t waver when the storm hits. Yogi Bhajan’s words remind us that only by facing the storm do we discover the strength we didn’t know we had.

When you are tested by difficult circumstances, remember: the challenge is a chance to expand your capacity, to stretch beyond what you thought was possible. Each test shapes your leadership style, helping you become more resilient, empathetic, and wise.

From Reaction to Response: The Conscious Leader’s Approach

One of the most profound lessons we can take from this teaching is that we have a choice. We can either react to adversity with panic, frustration, and fear, or we can respond with calm, grace, and curiosity. The former keeps us stuck in a cycle of fear and resistance, while the latter helps us rise above our circumstances and act from a place of inner power.

Conscious leadership isn’t about avoiding difficult situations. It’s about facing them with awareness and using them as stepping stones to greater wisdom and compassion. It’s about seeing beyond the surface and recognizing that every terrible moment contains within it the seeds of transformation.

Practical Steps for Embracing Adversity in Leadership

So how can we, as conscious leaders, embrace adversity in our lives and work?

  1. Shift your mindset: Start by recognizing that every challenge you face is an opportunity for growth. Remind yourself that the discomfort you feel is temporary, but the lessons you gain will stay with you forever.
  2. Pause before reacting: When a “terrible” situation arises, take a moment to breathe and reflect. Instead of reacting impulsively, respond consciously. What can this situation teach you? How can you approach it with a calm and open mind?
  3. Leverage adversity for personal growth: Every test is a chance to develop your resilience, courage, and leadership capacity. Use adversity as a training ground to refine your leadership qualities and grow as a person.
  4. Help others see the opportunity: As a conscious leader, part of your role is to guide others through their challenges. Help your team see that difficult moments aren’t just roadblocks, but opportunities for development and innovation.
  5. Trust the process: Remember, creation is here to serve you. Life is constantly offering you the experiences you need to evolve. Trust that each challenge is part of a larger plan designed to help you grow.

Conclusion: A New Way of Seeing Adversity

Next time you find yourself in the midst of something “terrible,” remember Yogi Bhajan’s words: “Terrible is wonderful.” Shift your perspective, and watch as the very thing you thought would break you becomes the thing that builds you. Adversity is not here to destroy us — it’s here to make us stronger, wiser, and more compassionate leaders.

In the end, it’s not about avoiding challenges, but embracing them with open arms, knowing that they are the gateway to becoming the best version of ourselves. Terrible? Maybe. Wonderful? Absolutely.

Call to Action: Join the Conscious Leader Masterclass Series

If you’re ready to embrace the power of conscious leadership and transform how you approach adversity, I invite you to join my upcoming masterclass series, “How to Become a Conscious Leader: The 5 Vital Lessons CEOs Can Learn from a Yogi.” Starting on October 20th, 2024, this series will dive deep into the 5 Cs of leadership: Consciousness, Commitment, Character, Courage, and Caliber. Let’s journey together to become the CEO of your own life and leadership.

Sign up now and take the first step in transforming your leadership and personal growth.


More info: satkirtanji@gmail.com

Conscious Leadership Wisdom